Thursday, December 06, 2007

Bits and pieces of my life this week

Those of you who know me, know that I've been really involved the last couple of weeks with the hospital auxiliary bazaar. Thankfully, by this time tomorrow, it will be a DONE DEED. Today I am baking stuff for the bake sale. We've been asked to bring at least 2 items. So far, I have 7 little pumpkin cake loaves--I had hoped they would be higher than they are, but they taste good. They probably WOULD have been higher if I had paid attention to the recipe and believed it when it said cook for 45 minutes--I jumped the gun and pulled them out about 10 minutes before they were done. I also have some Asian spiced nuts ready to package, a super simple recipe that David likes a lot.

Which leads me to this slightly off-color comment: A couple of weeks ago, we bought some cashews on sale at Kroger's, some weird flavor thing (maybe chili-lime?), and neither of us have much wanted to get into them. This afternoon David said, "That treatment you used on the Asian nuts would be good on those cashews." Next thing I knew, I saw him sitting in "his" recliner, munching away on the undoctored cashews. I said, "Would you like for me to treat your nuts with that spice mix?" and just as soon as I said, it, I realized WHAT I had said and started laughing. His response, "I think that would hurt."

Now I'm off to fix supper, then to fix a Paula Deen recipe, some applesauce muffins (Apple Barn recipe), bag up some novelty gifts, and get some sleep before this bizarre business starts tomorrow at too-early forty-five.

Love to all, and God bless.

1 comment:

Jenn-Jenn, the Mother Hen said...

You guys crack me up! Love you both so much.

Also, I greatly enjoyed the video you sent me of the guy playing the piano with his balls...

Now you'll have to post it so people will stop seeing the mental image I just planted in their heads!
