Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday Fitness Tip

I made it to the gym today for another water aerobics class. I do love those things! Today, I felt a lot stronger after I got out of the pool (wasn't crashing in to stuff in the locker room) than I did on Tuesday, so I stuck around for the 11 Silver Sneakers' class. That is such a fun class, because Chris (the teacher) is such a great target! (That's what happens when you get all those women old enough to be the mama in a class with a young, single man.)

We love to tease him about his dates (or lack there of). Last Friday he made the HUGE mistake of telling us he had a blind double date that night. Of course, we gave him NO peace on Wednesday until he revealed some of the details of the outing. Poor guy, when he is embarrassed, he blushes, and since he has a shaved head, we can all tell. I don't think it was a huge success, though, because today when I asked him how the date had gone, he said, "Let's just say it was nothing to write home about."

So NOW we are teasing him about going to a convention next week in Indianapolis. We were disappointed that he wouldn't tell us where he would be staying--one of the "mama's" suggested we ought to show up there next Wednesday, in our work-out gear! That's right, no classes next Wednesday or Friday. I know what that's going to mean--we are going to be absolutely exhausted when classes resume the next week. (Sort of like I am today--David found me sleeping on the couch when he came in from work.)

Love to all, and God bless.

PS: Dummy that I am, I just realized I forgot to leave a tip! (Just like in a restaurant) Here's my tip--shop around until you find a fitness class that you truly enjoy. Then it won't be such a chore to go!

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