Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Random Thanks

The week of Thanksgiving has begun. This morning as I lay in bed (my own bed!), I gave thanks for the lovely bracelet my friend Tara sent me. It has six little flowers, one for each of the kids (birth, marriage, and grand), and I wear it LOTS. Thank you, Tara--I really do appreciate this gift! I also appreciate the friendship between your husband and my son, Everett. Thank you, God, for this wonderful family.

Let the thanks continue. Currently the population of 192 has increased by two, Everett and Ann. Thank you, Lord, that RIGHT NOW there is room for everyone! And thank you in advance that as the number increases this week from four to eleven, we will still be able to walk around here!

Thank You for my wonderful husband. This morning he quietly got up, got dressed, fixed his own breakfast, and left for work--before the crack of dawn--just like he has done every work day for the last nineteen years. Thank You for his faithfulness in supporting his family and for the fact that he ALWAYS kisses me good-bye before he leaves. Thank You for his willingness to step in when needed, as he did last night when he fixed supper for Everett and himself. And a special thanks for whichever one it was who began the clean-up!

Thank You for traveling mercies, which You bestow so often on us! Thank You for Everett's safe trip down from Vernon Hills, and for my safe trip to Franklin--a special side thanks that nothing happened to the car on the bridge near Weisenberger Mill, despite the horrible noise I heard! Thank You again for Ann's and my safe trip home from Franklin, for the little wonders You did such as letting Ann sleep during the mundane part of the drive so that she and I could both be awake and alert for the dull-as-dishwater stretch from Elizabethtown to 127.

One more quick thank-you--Thank You, Lord, for Ann's sense of humor! Especially thank You for the hilarious moment in the parking lot at the hospital in Frankfort where she was able to respond with grace to the ridiculous question, "Ann, why do I have a tail?"

Love to all, and God bless--more thanks on the way.

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