Without a doubt, this is my favorite part of fall. When I was little, my dad sometimes had to travel from one small town to another on banking business. Often on his way home, he would make a point of driving through the country and searching for bittersweet, this lovely orange berry you see in the picture. We had a brown pottery vase that had belonged to his mother, and he would put the bittersweet in that vase. Now that Dad has been gone over twelve years, it is memories like these that kept him here with me. On top of my refrigerator is that brown vase, containing bittersweet that David and I bought several years ago somewhere in Illinois. I have not been able to find it locally, and boy, do I miss it. Almost as much as I miss Daddy!
Love to all, and God bless.
1 comment:
Cool, Mom!! You posted a picture!!! Good job! I like this story. I sure wish Grandaddy and Granny were around to enjoy their great-grandkids and vice versa. I like these kinds of stories you put on here. I love you!
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